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The Parenting Project


Đánh giá


In a world full of many influences, The Parenting Project shows you how, through the practice of daily conversation, to maintain influence in your child’s life.

Chi tiết

Tác giả: Amy Alamar
NXD/ ĐVPH: Fair Winds Press
Thể loại: non-fiction; parenting
Loại giấy: Bìa Mềm
Số trang: 200

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In a world full of many influences, The Parenting Project shows you how, through the practice of daily conversation, to maintain influence in your child’s life.

Are you losing the influence game with your children? If you want to direct your child’s growth, then they need to get to know you. In The Parenting Project, parenting experts Dr. Amy Alamar and Dr. Kristine Schlichting show you how to talk with your children on a regular basis to gain their trust. In a time when kids have many things vying for their attention, you want to become the go-to person, the one they turn to the most for advice and comfort.

Sometimes it’s difficult to speak with your children about serious subjects. That’s why The Parenting Project teaches you how to make a habit of it, providing you with prompts to help start potentially difficult conversations across a broad range of subjects that apply to everyday life. The authors have divided these conversations into five categories to inform your approach—Heart-based, Uncomfortable, Dangerous, Character, and Brave—because each type requires different strategies and “conversation starters.” The book includes story after story of how parents have built extraordinary relationships with kids through the act of talking with one another, day by day.

With some help from Dr. Alamar and Dr. Schlichting, it will be become easier to open up conversations with (rather than at) your children so that when the big questions arise, your child will turn to you first.

Thông tin bổ sung

Hỗ trợ nhóm kỹ năng

Giải quyết vấn đề, Các mối quan hệ, EQ & Giao tiếp, Xử lý cảm xúc của chính mình

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